Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Deep calls to deep

Want a kick in the pants today? Read a Psalm. Sometimes I forget how good the words of the Psalms are. They find a way to speak to the heart, like a shot of adrenalin - piercing, direct, achingly real. I often find myself reeling, a bit shocked that someone else, so long ago, wrote such fitting reflections of my own heart and soul.

One of my all time favorite lines from scripture comes from Psalm 42, verse 7. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.

God, I do love the poetry, the beauty of this verse. Forever it has stopped me in my tracks. I cannot read on until I reflect on this line. And what does it mean? I have no idea!!! That's not true. My gut knows just exactly -- I'm so moved and I so feel deep calls to deep. And I could maybe explain it. But I don't want to. I think it's too special, too personal to each of us. Maybe some things are just for our Creator to the created, not intended for public dissection or mass interpretation.

Instead, I just want to say that sometimes I open my Bible and find a lot of black words filling a lot of white pages. And yet sometimes I read something that brings me to my knees. Something so poignant and true my heart leaps and I'm humbled by the beauty of life.  In these moments it seems that all of my hurts, complexities, disappointments and fears are brought into the light. They don't disappear, but they are integrated into the greater picture. I (and my problems) become less, while He becomes all. And it is good. 

Father, I am grateful for these moments. For all of my life, let me continue to find new life in your words.